Frequently Asked Questions

What does an Elevation Station class look like?

Elevation Station Level I is offered in a classroom style, group setting with the commitment of one night a week for 12 weeks for an hour of education and discussion. The curriculum lays the foundation for savings, budgeting, credit, banking, and debt reduction with biblical principles of stewardship.

Elevation Station Levels 2 and 3 are one-on-one individual meetings with a mentor-coach who works alongside participants as they implement and track progress toward achieving financial and personal goals. Additionally, a certified credit counselor is available to address credit issues with creditors on a participant’s behalf.

How can I volunteer with Growing Oaks?

There are a variety of opportunities available for volunteers. Our volunteers facilitate the Elevation Station program, provide support as a mentor-coach and connect us with employer and organization partners. Training and ongoing support is provided for each of these roles.

How are donations used?

Cash donations sponsor Elevation Station programs for individuals and organizations. Donations of vehicles are used to supply transportation resources for individuals and families.